Writing Coach
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Writing People Want to Read


Writing In(ten)sive: A Sneak Peek Prompt

Something Borrowed, Something New:

Below are two images taken from Kate Baer's Instagram account. The first is a message Baer received from a 'fan.' The second is the poem she composed from words taken from the first. The transformation is noteworthy, perhaps because we can feel the ghostly remnants of the original piece in the new one--the way the spaces suggest something erased but not fully gone. Find a piece of junk mail, an advertisement, or a bill. A catalog or a newsletter. Choose any source, though this exercise works best if the original content sparks an emotional reaction, and make it your own. Feel free to experiment with the shape of your "Blackout" and, if you like, email me your work (the borrowed and the new). I’ll post it on the blog :)

Kate Baer Tweet 1.PNG

Kate Baer Tweet 2.PNG

Bridgette NofsingerComment